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Admin Portal

The Admin Portal provides the Frontier administrators with a centralized interface for managing the Raystack/Frontier platform. This README will guide you through the installation, setup, and usage of the Admin Portal.


Many of these features are still in development and represents an exhautive list of all the details in our Roadmap for the Admin Portal

  • Dashboard for an overview of system health and key metrics
  • Tenant (organization) management for multi-tenancy support
  • User authentication and access control
  • User management with role-based access control
  • Roles and permission management for fine-tuning Frontier's behavior
  • Integration with external authentication identity providers/ configure Magic Links/ OTP based sign-ups
  • Domain Verification for Organizations
  • Audit Logs for monitoring and much more...

Starting the Admin Portal

Make sure you have the Frontier server up and running. For details refer installations and configurations

Change the current working directory to ui in Frontier

$ cd ui

Create a .env file or export SHILD_API_URL environment variable for communication with the Frontier server.

# provide the frontier server url

Finally, to start the Admin portal, run the following commands:

# install all dependencies
$ npm install
# start the Admin Portal UI
$ npm run dev

Open http://localhost:5173/console with your browser to see the result.